Monday, January 31, 2011

Wheat and Barley

Thousands of years ago the Middle East was thriving with forests, trees, and plants. The people here were hunter gatherers. Now, in modern times, only in the rainforest of Papua New Guinea can you still find these types of people. The women here chop down the Sago tree and eat the inner pulp because that might be all they can find. They have been farming there in highlands for 10,000 years but the foods grown never had enough protein. These people aren’t as ‘strong’ as the rest of world.  
Jordan had the earliest village known in the world about consisting of about 40 people. They would stay close to any source of water and plant the seeds next to their village. Barley and wheat are two grains or foods that grew greatly in the Middle East thousands of years ago. They created a room to store these grains keeping them dry, setting a course to modern civilization with this creation of this room. But before this could happen the Earth got colder and dryer. Tree, plants, and animals died off and there were 1000 years of drought. From then on they had to go further to look for food. 

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